Town Meeting & Town Election Information
Attached Files:
- newsfile 10086 Fred W- Wells Scholarship Application 2021-2022.pdf
- newsfile 1045 Application for Employment.docx
- newsfile 1045 Job Descrip - Admin Asst to the Boards.doc
- newsfile 1046 Rowe Old Home Day 2019 - Chkn BBQ Poster.docx
- newsfile 1048 Rowe Old Home Day 2019.pdf
- newsfile 1049 RFQ 20190709 Rowe Library Ramp.pdf
- newsfile 1051 Code of Conduct Policy.doc
- newsfile 1053 HHW Flyer 2019.pdf
- newsfile 1055 4 LEAF CLOVER LUNCH 10-18-19 poster.doc
- newsfile 1058 ADDENDUM 1 IFB 20191205 Kings Hwy Bridge.pdf
- newsfile 1058 IFB 20191205 Kings Hwy Bridge Bid draft 10222019.pdf
- newsfile 1059 Flu Clinic 2019.pdf
- newsfile 1060 Job Descrip - Accountant rev- 6-5-18.docx
- newsfile 1062 RFP Rowe Energy Consultant.pdf
- newsfile 1064 2019-12-19 STM Warrant for website.pdf
- newsfile 1064 STM Warrant December 19 2019.pdf
- newsfile 1065 2020-2021 Fred Wells Scholarship.pdf
- newsfile 1066 DOR -Rowe Admin Review Jan 2020.pdf
- newsfile 1067 Presidential Primary Results - UNOFFICIAL.pdf
- newsfile 1068 March 3 2020 - Presidential Primary OFFICIAL Results.pdf
- newsfile 1069 COVID-19 Fact Sheet.pdf
- newsfile 1070 Plan Ahead for Coronavirus.docx
- newsfile 1072 Message from Board of Selectmen Chair.doc
- newsfile 1073 Letter from Clerk.pdf
- newsfile 1073 Remote Participation Options.doc
- newsfile 1073 Remote Participation Steps.docx
- newsfile 1074 self-quarantine self-isolation for public-doc.docx
- newsfile 1076 Emergency Management Director 04-30-20.pdf
- newsfile 1078 2019 TOWN REPORT.pdf
- newsfile 1079 ATM Mailer Final Version.pdf
- newsfile 1080 2020-06-20 Annual Town Meeting Results.pdf
- newsfile 1081 2020-06-27 Local Election Results.pdf
- newsfile 1081 2020 Annual Town Election Breakdown.pdf
- Rowe Annual Town Election results 5-18-2013.pdf
- Town Meeting, Annual - May 13, 2013.pdf
- Town Meeting, Annual - May 13, 2013 Warrant.pdf
- Town Meeting, Annual - May 14, 2012.pdf
- Town Meeting, Special - April 24, 2012.pdf
- Town Meeting, Special - Dec 18, 2012.pdf
- Town Meeting, Special - June 19, 2012.pdf
- Town Meeting, Special - May 13, 2013.pdf
- Town Meeting, Special - May 14, 2012.pdf
- Town Meeting, Special - May 21, 2013.pdf
- Town Meeting, Special - May 21 2013 Warrant.pdf
- Town Meeting, Special - Sept 18, 2012.pdf
- Town Meeting, Special - May 13, 2013 Warrant.pdf