Woodlands Partnership

Tuesday, February 11, 4:00 pm until 5:00 pm
A meeting of the Woodlands Partnership


The Municipal Financial Sustainability Committee

of the Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts

will meet on February 11, 2025 4:00-5:00 p.m.

This is a virtual meeting. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Please RSVP to Kate Conlin to request a Zoom link at any time: kconlin@newenglandforestry.org


  1. Call to order
  2. Review & approval of January 13, 2025 minutes
  3. Discussion with the Collins Center:
  • First (virtual) listening session recap and review
  • Upcoming in-person/hybrid listening sessions
  • Survey status
  • Delegation of upcoming tasks and general planning

  1. Legislative outreach – general/Collins study-specific

  1. Agent update: Name change legislation signed into law and next steps; Fundraising consultant new hire
  2. Items not anticipated within 48 hours
  3. Schedule next meeting
  4. Public Comment
  5. Adjourn

Municipal Financial Sustainability Committee members: Sam Haupt—Peru (chair); Ron Bosley—Florida; Liz Kidder—Leyden; Mark Phelps—New Ashford; Art Schwenger—Heath

Posted- Donna Butzke-2/3/2025-10am

Filed-Town Clerk-2/3/2025