Woodlands Partnership

Tuesday, February 4, 3:30 pm until 5:00 pm
A meeting of the Woodlands Partnership


The Executive Committee

of the Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts

will meet on February 4, 2025 at 3:30-5:00 p.m.

This is a virtual meeting. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Please RSVP to Kate Conlin to request a Zoom link at any time: kconlin@newenglandforestry.org.


  1. Call to order and welcome
  2. Approval of December 16, 2024 minutes
  3. Successful passage of name change legislation—ongoing state and federal legislative efforts
  4. Introductions: Fundraising consultant Stephanie Schilling
  5. Community Resilience Grant through Climate Smart Communities Initiative
  6. EEA funding/Agent contract - Board funding priorities
  7. February 26 Board meeting - guest speaker?
  8. Agent update: Deerfield Wild & Scenic and potential joint efforts; Collins Center study (surveys and upcoming events) on emergency services; Heritage Area feasibility study; consolidated Agent budget
  9. Scheduling next Committee meeting(s)
  10. Any item(s) not anticipated within 48 hours
  11. Public comment

  1. Adjourn

Posted- Donna Butzke-2/3/2025-8am

Filed- Town Clerk-2/3/2025


Executive Committee members: Dicken Crane – Windsor (Board Chair); Art Schwenger – Heath (Board Vice Chair); Alain Peteroy – Franklin Land Trust (Clerk); Chris Cozzaglio – Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (Treasurer); Rhonda Anderson – Ohketeau Cultural Center; Russ Richardson – Massachusetts Forest Alliance; Robert O’Connor – MA EOEEA; Constance Carpenter (USFS ex-officio)