Special Town Meeting
Monday, January 27, 6:30 pm
Rowe Elementary School
Town of Rowe
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
To either Constable of the Town of Rowe in the County of Franklin,
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Rowe, qualified to vote in the elections and town affairs, to meet at the ROWE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, 86 Pond Road, In said Rowe on MONDAY, the TWENTY SEVENTH day of January 2025 at 6:30 p.m. in the evening, then to act on the following articles:
ARTICLE 1: To see if the Town will vote to TRANSFER the sum of $50,000.00 from the Park Dept. Purchase and Equip New Truck account 01-631-5400-84146 to the Highway Department for the purchase of a new Truck, or take any action thereto:
Explanation: Funds for a new Park truck were appropriated from Free Cash at the FY25 ATM to replace the aging 2011 truck which is in very poor condition and in need of extensive repairs. The Park Commission feels that it would be a more appropriate use of Town financial resources to revert back to the past “hand-me-down” practice of having the Highway Dept get a new truck and transferring the superintendent’s 2018 truck to the Park.
Requested by the Park Commission
Recommended by the Finance Committee & Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 2: To see if the Town will vote to APPROPRIATE the sum of $63,000.00 from CAPITAL STABILIZATION towards the purchase of a new Police Cruiser or take any action in relation thereto.
Explanation: The 2019 Chevy Tahoe has had significant issues since its initial purchase. After several recent breakdowns and continued issues, and with input from multiple mechanics, it was recommended that the Town begin looking into purchasing a new cruiser.
Requested by the Police Department
Recommended by the Finance Committee & Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 3: To see if the town will vote to APPROPRIATE the sum of $7,700.00 from CAPITAL STABILIZATION to the OIL TANK REMOVAL account 01-121-5701-03187 to cover the shortfall of engineering and procurement service costs, or take any action thereof:
Explanation: There has been a funding shortfall for the initial stages of the Elementary School underground storage tank (UST) removal and installation project. The request for $7,700.00 covers the remaining engineering and procurement costs.
Requested by the Board of Selectmen
Recommend by the Finance Committee & Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 4: To see if the Town will vote to TRANSFER the sum of $746.00 from the Opioid Stabilization Account to the Board of Health Operations account 01-512-5701-00000, or take any action in relation thereto.
Explanation: An invoice, which was meant to be covered by Opioid Settlement funding, was paid from the Board of Health operations account because an Opioid Special Revenue Account had not yet been established for expenditures. This request is for reimbursement of the funds taken from the Board of Health operations account from the Opioid Stabilization Account.
Requested by the Town Accountant
Recommended by the Finance Committee & Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 5: To see if the Town will vote to CLOSE the Opioid Stabilization Account and transfer any remaining funds to an Opioid Special Revenue account, or take any action in relation thereto.
Explanation: To ensure the Town can properly use the Opioid Settlement funds, these funds must be placed in a Special Revenue Account. To avoid future expenditure issues and comply with Massachusetts General Laws (MGL), it is necessary to vote on this matter and officially allocate the funds into a special revenue account.
Requested by the Town Accountant
Recommended by the Finance Committee & Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 6: To transact any other business of a lawful and pertinent nature that may come
before the meeting.
And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at the Rowe Town Hall and the Rowe Transfer Station in said Town, fourteen days at least before the time of holding said meeting.
Hereof fail not, and make due return of the Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk at the time of said meeting, as aforesaid.
Given under our hands this 27th Day of January, Two Thousand and Twenty-Five.
Joanne Semanie, Chair
Edward Silva, Vice-Chair
William Baker, Selectmen