Park Commission Meeting

Monday, April 8, 2024, 6:30 pm until 12:30 pm
Rowe Town Hall - 1st Floor & Via Remote Participation
A meeting of the Park Commission

Town of Rowe

Park Commission Meeting

Monday, April 8, 2024

6:30 PM

Hybrid: In-person Meeting Room #1 and online Zoom participation

Remote Participation Information:

Meeting ID: 288 065 7034


Phone: (312) 626-6799


Call to Order:

  1. Approve March meeting minutes by roll-call vote.
  2. Talk about what is needed to get pickleball “up and running” again for the spring season. Discuss the purchase of a sign of rules for the tennis/pickleball courts.
  3. Review and discuss the Operations Plan agreement/contract with Mass Audubon to do a grant funded two-2 acre opening of the canopy to improve the resilience of the forest environment.
  4. Ideas for next round of Woodlands Partnership of NW grants. Applications are due Thursday, May 9th.
  5. Approve beach kiosk sign to be sent off to the sign company asap. Discuss progress on other spring grant projects.
  6. Discuss possible hiring of a tree company to remove a couple of hazardous trees at the tennis court and to grind the stumps at the Percy Brown picnic area.
  7. Any unforeseen business within the last 48 hours of posting.

Respectfully submitted by,

Laurie Pike

Rowe Park Commissioner

Posted: Brooke Shulda – 03/28/2024 – 10:30am

Filed: Town Clerk – 03/28/2024