Park Commission Meeting

Monday, December 4, 2023, 6:30 pm
Rowe Town Hall - Meeting Room #1 and via Remote Participation
A meeting of the Park Commission

Town of Rowe

Park Commission Meeting

Monday, December 4, 2023

6:30 PM

Hybrid: In-person Meeting Room #1 and online Zoom participation

Remote Participation Information:

Meeting ID: 288 065 7034


Phone: (312) 626-6799

Call to Order:

  1. Approve Park meeting minutes from November 2023.
  2. Finalize budget and Special Projects.
  3. Mass Trails grant application due February 1, 2024 for mini excavator.
  4. Feedback from the Operations Plan project.
  5. Fitness Center hours.
  6. Annual Park report for Town due in January.
  7. Any unforeseen business within the last 48 hours.

Respectfully submitted by,

Laurie Pike

Park Commission

Posted: Donna Butzke-11/30/2023-10:00a.m.

Filed: Town Clerk-11/30/2023