Board of Assessors
Rowe Town Hall - 2nd floor Assessors' Meeting Room
A meeting of the Board of Assessors
AGENDA - Wednesday, July 24, 2019 – 9am
Rowe Town Hall – Assessors’ Meeting Room
1. Call to Order
2. Executive Session - Under c.30A Sec. 21(a), Item 3: To discuss strategies with respect to litigation as the
chair has declared that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating
position of the public body concerning utility property real and personal property
assessments/valuations and tax abatements, and to reconvene in Open Session
3. Minutes: July 10, 2019
4. Assistant Assessor position: Review applications
5. Chapter 61: Awaiting Form 61B from Newman (off Leshure Road)
6. New Deeds/Plans from Registry Office
7. FY19/FY20 Budget/Payables
8. MV Excise Commitments/Warrants/Abatements
9. Mapping – new lots at Charlemont/Rowe Town Line: create property cards/assign lot numbers
10. Planning Board Memo re Industrial Zone
11. Any Other Business
12. Next Meeting: Set date/time of next meeting
13. Adjournment
Frederick N. Williams, Chair