Board of Assessors
Town Hall - Second Floor Meeting Room
A meeting of the Board of Assessors
- Call to Order
- Executive Sessions - Under c.30A Sec. 21(a), Item 3: To discuss strategies with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares, including phone conference with Bear Swamp Power Company and GESansoucy (appraisal consultant), to discuss FY19 real estate and personal property tax abatement applications and FY20 MGL 38D and 38F requests for information, and to reconvene in Open Session
- Minutes:
- June 12 (Regular and Executive Session)
- June 20 (Regular)
- FY20 Interim Year Update:
- Annual Permit Inspections (Mayflower Valuations) – Duane scheduled for July 13, Sandy prepared data package
- CAI Tax Map/Property Card Updates: Create new property cards including location IDs (LOC_IDs) for 4 new lots created by Charlemont/Rowe town line boundary adjustment in Legate Hill/Tatro Rd area.
- Chapter 61A—Newman Application Renewal: FMP received. Signed form 61B still needed.
- Budget/Payables: Review and approve as needed
- New Deeds, Plans, etc.: Review and code sales as needed
- Building Permits: Review as needed
- MVExcise Commitments/Warrants/Abatements: Review and approve as needed
- Assessors’ Clerk/Assistant Assessor position:
- job description
- job posting
- Miscellaneous: (Correspondence, etc.)
- Upper Pioneer Valley Veteran’s Services – Information Session (July 16th 6-8P) at Greenfield’s John Zon Community Center – Rick/Ellen/Herb plan to attend
- Any Other Business
- Next Meeting: Set date/time of next meeting
- Adjournment
Frederick N. Williams, Chair